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Data: 31-mag-2011
Autori: Camerano, Cristoforo
Titolo: Technological platforms for immaterial art
Abstract: This work presents a project following a path from kinetic art to immaterial art through synchronization of dynamical systems. Two or several robots driven by a chaotic system follow irregular trajectories and their motions are coordinated. Then thanks to a pattern of lights the robots generate interesting images and patterns. In this way the viewer-user is invited to take an active role in the creation of this kind of immaterial art. The present work is organized as follow into seven chapters that cover R&D conducted at the DIEES department on several aspects related to the topic of Interactive Platforms for the creation of immaterial art. The thesis is divided into three important sections 1)Chaotic robots and kinetic art: Interaction between art and technology. This part shows the process of interaction between art and technology, and describes in details the realized platform and the obtained results. 2)From kinetic art to immaterial art through synchronization of chaotic robots. The realized platform for the synchronization of two robots is here described. The process of creation of art through the interaction between user and robot is also explained. 3)Mirror neurons robots: Learning synchronization and immaterial art. The research takes inspiration from the study of the applications on robotics of Mirror Neurons as principles of imitation and learning of movement. In this last section the principles of the learning synchronization between two robots are described. The realized platform for the creation of immaterial art through the interaction between user and mirror neuron robots is here described.
InArea 09 - Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione

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Tesi Dottorato Cristoforo CAMERANO - 15 novembre 2010.pdf1,05 MBAdobe PDFVisualizza/apri

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