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Data: 6-mar-2017
Autori: Lombardo, Pierpaolo
Titolo: Fully Integrated Data and Power Transfer Systems with Galvanic Isolation
Abstract: My principal activity was focused on the design of galvanically isolated integrated systems as a part of a research project at the RF ADC by exploiting STMicroelectronics technology platforms providing on chip galvanic isolation. This technology was previously addressed to the implementation of isolated data transfer and it is currently used for mass production. In this context, the principal purpose of my work was the investigation on a fully integrated dc-dc power converter with half-duplex data communications providing on chip galvanic isolation in silicon technologies. This research is mainly interested in increasing the level of integration for the next generation of power converters with data transfer and several other applications requiring galvanic isolation. Autonomous sensors and/or control circuits, typically require a few tens of Mbps for data communication and an output power from tens to hundreds of mW. In this context, fully integrated interfaces can provide several advantages, including higher reliability, lower PCB area, lower system complexity and lower costs, especially if only silicon technology is exploited.
InArea 09 - Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione

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