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Data: 30-mar-2012
Autori: Bonsignore, Roberta
Titolo: Sviluppo di soluzioni innovative per la meccanizzazione della viticoltura mediterranea
Abstract: The research described in this thesis take the moves from a preliminary survey on mechanization of Etna mountain viticulture (Schillaci et al, 2006), through which it was found that the wine vineyards are inspired by "traditional" models and still shows uncertainty about machines to use and misunderstandings about the techniques used. During the PhD has explored the theme of mechanization of vineyards conducted with traditional management systems During the PhD has explored the theme of mechanization of existing cultivated with management models "traditional", taking under study the wine-growing areas of Eastern Sicily represented by Etna (Catania) and the South East of the island (Ragusa and Siracusa). From the results of a survey on mechanization of the wine-growing areas under study it was possible to identify the needs in terms of innovations in agricultural machinery, the organization of work, hygiene and environmental health professionals. As a result, were planned and carried out activities aimed at the creation and development of innovative machines, as well as actions aimed at assessing the conditions of risk to operators during certain recurring transactions. From observations carried out in the yards of winter pruning, showed the presence of potential risk factors for the health of the worker. In this respect it was an investigation of driver exposure to airborne pollutants produced during the pre-pruning machine, and a study of the forces exerted by the cutting of branches during the manual execution, in the assessment of risks to musculoskeletal in skeletal pruner. The results of experimental observations and interviews with farmers have highlighted the needs in terms of demand in innovation and the need to develop mechanical solutions readily available and commonly used in the production context of reference. This resulted in the search for innovative solutions that have been developed in different degrees depending on the available resources found for each. In this regard, it has participated in the implementation of a "Multi-function electric vehicle autonomous" [OIGA, 2009], currently under development with different configurations (remote controlled, semi or fully autonomous) who, equipped with useful tools will satisfy needs in the innovation of management of high-density vineyards cultivated on steep slopes of terraced hillsides. The activities have been devoted also to the improvement of a an innovative machine Compact manure/compost spreading machine with variable speed distributor" [ENAMA, Innovative machines, 2008]], capable of delivering organic material in vineyards with limited space. The interest in the goblet vineyards and the lack of equipment and solutions appropriate to the contexts identified by the survey, have stimulated the search for specialized equipment for these vineyards, a search that ended with the completion of a pre-industrial prototype of multifunctional straddle carrier frame called "Portale scavallante multifunzione" [ENAMA, Innovative machines 2009], for the management of recurrent mechanized farming operations in the goblet vineyards. In conclusion, the research has been articulated along a path made of experimental investigations, observations, comparisons with growers and manufacturers of agricultural machinery, which culminated in the development of innovative machines. In particular, it was developed in a multifunctional frame driven by a common tractor and still subject to testing and implementation, through which it is believed to have provided a response to strong demand for effective and comprehensive mechanization required by the growing number of supporters of the goblet vineyards.
InArea 07 - Scienze agrarie e veterinarie

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