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Data: 25-feb-2013
Autori: Lazzaro, Massimo
Titolo: Potential involvement of gap junctions in pathology of addiction
Abstract: Cocaine abuse represents a huge social problem for the widespread in the world and for the many health risks associated. Moreover, a significative percentage of cocaine users develop an addiction with loss of control on drug intake. Several molecular modifications occurs with cocaine use, some of which seem occur only in addicted individuals. Gap junctions (GJs) allow cellular communication, indeed they are fundamental to regulate cellular synchronization, cellular growth and metabolic coordination in tissues. We analyzed the role of GJs proteins in the cocaine s mechanism of action and furthermore we verified the potential role of GJs in addiction. Our experiments show several modifications occurring at early and after prolonged cocaine exposure. In addition are shown differential alterations depending by addiction-like behaviour in animals, suggesting a potential involvement of GJs in transition to addiction.
InArea 05 - Scienze biologiche

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