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Data: 25-feb-2014
Autori: Greco, Angelo
Titolo: Optimization of homogeneous emitter and thin-film solar cells
Abstract: Over the last decades the world has been experimenting an increasing pressure to find solutions to energy crisis issues. As a result, the scientific research has been boosted towards the development of solutions related to alternative energy sources. In this context, several research programs have been supported. Among them, the ENIAC Project Joint Undertaking, Energy for a green society: from sustainable harvesting to smart distribution, equipment, materials, design solutions and their applications, within which the present work has been performed. In particular, this thesis is focused on the optimization of photovoltaic cells, through the use of mathematics tools and optimization techniques based on new theories like the Genetic Algorithm ones. The obtained results are new and they represent a noticeable improvement in the optimization of solar cells design and efficiency.
InArea 01 - Scienze matematiche e informatiche

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