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Data: 10-feb-2015
Autori: Frazzetto, Alessia Maria
Titolo: Advanced processes for next generation energy efficient MOSFETs in Silicon Carbide
Abstract: In the modern society, the reduction of the energy consumption through its efficient use has become the main task of power electronics. In this context, Silicon Carbide (SiC) exhibits interesting electrical and physical properties which can satisfy the continuous demands of improved energy efficiency, overcoming the limitations of Silicon. Today several SiC technologies have reached the industrial maturity. In this thesis, different aspects and challenges related to the fabrication of 4H-SiC MOSFETs (which are among the most appealing devices due to their driving simplicity) have been treated. Indeed, in spite of remarkable and recent progress, still several scientific aspects need to be dealt to reduce the energy dissipation and to overcome the issues still open. In particular, the aim of this thesis has been to clarify the mechanisms ruling the transport properties at the interfaces metal/SiC and SiO2/SiC. Special focus was given to the study of the mechanisms limiting the channel mobility in lateral MOSFETs. All the achievements and progresses obtained have been integrated in a power MOSFET device, whose behaviour has corroborated the great potential of the material.
InArea 09 - Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione

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