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Data: 12-dic-2017
Autori: Lombardo, Giuseppe
Titolo: The role of omega 3 fatty acids in capsular contracture around the breast implants
Abstract: Introduction:One of the most common complications of the use of foreign material, both in reconstructive and cosmetic breast surgery, which often leads to re-intervention, is capsular contracture. It consists in pathological hardening of the fibrous shell developing around a breast prosthesis.The development of connective tissue around any foreign body is physiological, but progression into a thick and firm capsule, as around breast implants, is responsible for varying degrees of local inflammation, dislocation, and deformation of the prosthesis. Infection, hematoma, and granulomatous response to free silicone, as well as many other conditions, have been considered possible causes of capsules formation and pathological progression around some breast implants. the goal of the present thesis is to investigate the effects of omega-3 supplements on capsule contraction, evaluating the thickness, and tgfb expression on sample of capsule collected in a rat living model. Materials and Methods:32 Wild-type C57BL/6 knockout mice were bred and maintained in a university vivarium.The animals were divided in two groups: Omega3/control. Mice were operated on at 8 weeks of age and following implant surgery.After 12 weeks, mice were euthanized using a carbon dioxide inhalation and implant and all tissues surrounding implants were harvested in one piece.Histology (Capsular Thickness) and PCR Analysis (tgfb2/COL1A2) were performed to evaluate the grade of fibrosis. Results.:Capsular thickness and tgfb2/COL1A2 gene expression were significantly lower in treatment group. Discussion:This study s results suggest that Omega 3 supplement seems to be effective in reducing capsular formation occurrence. The main role in Omega 3 fatty acids in inflammation and fibrosis reduction around the implant is their inhibition of TGF-B pathway and thus impairment of collagen deposit. We believe that omega 3 supplement is a simple and promising method that could be used to prevent capsular contracture after silicone implant surgery. This therapy could have a high impact considering the number of patients who every year undergoes to breast reconstruction or to aesthetic mammoplasty. Furthermore Omega fatty acids 3 are dietary supplement with minimal side effects, normally used worldwide for multiple purposes. Nevertheless, further clinical studies are warranted to examine their therapeutic applicability and additional studies should be conducted to attempt a decrease in capsular contracture occurrence.
InArea 06 - Scienze mediche

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